Monday, May 22, 2006

Dress Shoes

So finally I want to use my blog for something that is actually "bloggy" or opinionated. On my way to the restroom this morning I passed a gentleman wearing dress shoes with tassels. The following interview was conducted by yours truly.

SB: So Sean, you know what's going on with Men's dress shoes what's your take on dress shoes with tassels.

Sean: Personally I hate them, I have no idea why anyone would ever consider such a shoe.

SB: Wow, that's a strong statement. Afterall, at least half of the business executives in the world wear them.

Sean: Yes and they also have bad haircuts, doesn't mean that we should defend THAT as well.

SB: The bad haircuts?

Sean: Yes

SB: So why all the hate for the tassels.

Sean: They just look silly. Back in the 80s when they were moderately famous by the likes of bad Michael J Fox movies I could stand them. Now they simply remind me of said movies; and don't give me the, "Oh but they are just a fancy loafer excuse". It is simply that, an excuse. Loafers are an exception and should never be considered the rule. I mean, come on, imagine the coolest person in the world. Are they wearing shoes with tassels? Don't even give it any thought, cuz they are most certainly NOT!

SB: Well that clears things up

Sean: Indeed

SB: What does GQ think of the issue

Sean: Follow this link

SB: So how bout that new Yeah Yeah Yeah's album? The one that Cash Pazo turned you on to?

Sean: It is fuhreekin awesome. I listen to it constantly.

SB: What's in you CD player in your car?

Sean: The new Yeah Yeah Yeah's album.

SB: What are you listening to now?

Sean: The new Yeah Yeah Yeah's album

Monday, May 01, 2006


1. Fuzzy: Retro and lovely for the spring, a great opener to a spring disc

2. Seductress of Bums: This song is what is playing in those strange bars/cafes that exist only in Lynch films, so obviously i love it
2a) words can't express how cool that wavering guitar sound is. Ooh tha shivuhs.

3. I've got you under my skin: Wow, some Sinatra. Apparently this disc means business. This song, and most of his music, makes me think of taking a drive just for the sake of it. Ah and early spring, what better time to do so.

4. What else is there: Oh man speaking of a song that makes me think of driving but this one makes me think of driving through a storm. This song is intense and the vocals so incredibly unique. Love it, love it, love it

5. Crystalnight: Self explanatory, it's nighttime now, what i love about this song is it's simplicity, something i have been focusing very heavily on, okay enough about me.

6. In my arms: Ooh nice and funky, guess we have gone out on the town. I love the flow of this album, you have nailed it mister; you hear me NAILED it!

7. Tribulations: Continuing on with picking things up. Very nice, electro but not overly so, I do enjoy these parts of your discs, when they pick up steam and head into electropop bliss. So nice.

8. Gold Lion: Thanks for throwing something from the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs album on this, i have been debating buying it, maybe now i will. Apparently this band has matured yet kept the good raw things about their sound.

9. Drag: Rock lives, I have been more than happy to return to standard rock sounds there is somthing just so classic about it, and this song is so driving. Oh and I realize that now I am addicted to music that has good bass riffs, no wonder i am such a cure fanatic

10. Blood: Very nice, again lovin the heavy driving bass lines, very joy division/cure? Is that possible? I guess it is.

11. The youngest was the most loved: Hmmm not sure about this one yet, need to listen to this a couple times just like every time I hear something new from him. Each album almost escapes me but then after awhile grabs me.

12. Pledge of Allegiance: This song has such a raw sound which matches well with alot of the rock songs on this disc. How you ended up here from song 2 is amazing, but you did it.

13. Tourist: Ahh, so now we come back down or at least start to, this song makes me feel like I am gliding. Oh, and I like that.

14. Brothers on a hotel bed: I personally can't imagine a better song to follow the previous one, switiching these two would have been a mistake, DCFC is going to be one of those prolific bands we think back to and wonder what the heck we were listening to instead of these guys. ALOT of people will think this by the way.

15. Forest: Wow, this latin flavor of Forest feels so natural that it freaks me out to think that this song can be taken this far from its original state. Smith and company are truly sublime and so is this cover. Who would have thought RAIN forest.

16. It's a sin: Okay mister you almost went to far but a fish out of water mix of It's a Sin that is again soooo far from the original is like I am in a parallel world where all these edgy synthpop bands instead were simply relaxing. very nice. This feels like i am coming in for a landing and it's sunset AND I have a nice smart drink waiting for me back home. Lovely

17. Summer Rain: Ah the lip at the end of the slide down, i like it when a mix disc does that, i never seem to be able to do this, maybe I will simply kopykat you and do this myself as well. This is the strawberry after drinking the wine.

What a great piece of work mister. This will be in heavy rotation.