Thursday, June 07, 2007

My new tumblr

Tumblelogs are the refreshingly simple new way to share anything you find, love, hate, or create.

Awesome, so I have one now

My Tumblr

Does this mean the end for 12 Sycamore Trees?
No way, it just means lengthy thoughts go here and the more fun random ones which people really know me by go on the Tumblr

The REAL deal

Agent2: Hey Agent1, you up for lunch on Friday?
Agent1 sure lets do it
Agent2: coolio. Already arranged with Agent3. 11:30 @ Bella Vista.
Agent1 kool, so you didn't go yesterday then?
Agent2: Nah, decided to reschedule instead.
Agent1 k, i got a message from him but i can never understand what he is saying on his phone
Agent2: awesome
Agent1 yeah, wonder if that is an add on to his service
Agent2: It's a form of encryption, to keep that government from stealing his secrets
Sent at 8:20 AM on Thursday
Agent1 oh that's right forgot about those, his sekrets that is
Agent2: The Japanese are always trying to steal his Guitar Hero secrets. And the Russians are after that Tetris skillz
Sent at 8:22 AM on Thursday
Agent1 i heard tetris skillz stealing is at cold war levels
Agent2: Only since we started building our Europe-based Polygonal Defense Shield. We didn't really leave the Russians any choice...
It's starting to look like Arkanoid out there.
Sent at 8:24 AM on Thursday
Agent1 i heard there's a new top secret tank being built, it is the shape of a disc with a pie piece cut out of it, who KNOWS what that will be used for
Sent at 8:28 AM on Thursday
Agent2: Yeah, but the Russians have a better version. It's got a BOW on top. How can you counter that kind of thing? It's so inhumane, I think it may violate the Colecovision Convention.
Sent at 8:32 AM on Thursday
Agent1 if only we had someone who could jump over obstacles and could swing on ropes to avoid aligators
he may be our only hope
Sent at 9:07 AM on Thursday
Agent2: I hear the Chinese have leveraged their ridiculous ping-pong powers into some sort of gigantic, flying deflector shield. Maybe we should look into that.
Sent at 9:20 AM on Thursday