Monday, February 18, 2008

Pants for a Bog?


I say, Gentlemen!


Look down at your pants!

Would you describe the color as cranberry or anything of the sort?!

If you answered yes, you are wrong. Take those pants and nooooo, do not donate them, needy people need not look so tasteless. Take those pants and take the cursed chicken bones you bought from that lady in Jamaica and set them both on fire! Do it! Do it NOW! It is the only way you will escape my wrath!



Bing said...

Oh hee! Only if your name is Prince or a strange heiroglyphic character are you allowed to wear pants in the berry family!

Sean Sutherland said...

The bing is correct. Take your berry pants sir and make some jam. You sicko! That is unless of course you are backed by "new power generation" OR "the revolution"

nabbercow said...

In Soviet Russia, the cranberry colored pants wear YOU!

Sean Sutherland said...

Touchez Senator Nabbercow! I saw remnants of this when I was last through Hungary. Cranberry pants everywhere for the taking. And do I mean TAKING!!!!

Bing said...

Is it that way in Russia because cranberry goes so well with vodka? I'm so confused.

nabbercow said...

It's not your fault.


It's not your fault




The Duke of Nabbertown

Unknown said...

Does "watermelon" qualify as "anything of the sort" for these purposes?

If so...

But seriously, what is it with you and fruit?

Sean Sutherland said...

All I'm saying is pants are pants, fruit is fruit, never shall the two mix. Watermelon color pants would send me into a frenzy the likes of which NOBODY should EVER see! The world just can't handle it.

Anonymous said...

What about The California Raisins?

They're fruit and they wear pants. The two do mix… and then, of course, there is Queer Eye For The Straight Guy… they all wear pants…

'nuf sed!